Monday, October 1, 2012

Can't Replace You!

As I close in on a whole year here in Georgia it's hard not to be sentimental and consider the changes I've made. Some I wasn't prepared for and some I made whole-heartedly! The biggest change I can't seem to deal with is the people around me. No one measures up to the friends that surrounded me at home. It's hard not to compare this life with that one. No church seems good enough, no pastor quite like Pastor Steve or Chuck. No hug seems quite as genuine and no lunch date encourages me the same. Home really is wherever you are but the people are not. I keep waiting for them to be replaced. As you can see from previous posts I have often wondered why I'm here when it didn't turn out the way I planned. Staying in the South seems like a sacrifice at this point in time, it's not really where I want to be but we don't always get what we want and unless God buys me a plane ticket home I'm here for the long haul. Last week I realized I was still living the transplant life. I was still hoping to have a reason to get out, to run home. But if "Anne's" departure didn't evict me from this state maybe I really am meant to be here. So it's time to lay down roots. To find a church, while it will never measure up to a home church that once played such a drastic role in my life, I can still learn, and partake in a community of other Christians. Next month I'm moving in with another girl from school and she has such a heart for community and togetherness I know we can really thrive in that aspect together. While life here doesn't seem ideal I can see myself growing to like it. Much has settled down and with "Anne" being out of town all summer it's been quiet. I work all day and spend a lot of time with the boys in the evenings. Especially since my summer roommate (who is quite awesome) is also Jason's girlfriend. (Seriously, the irony is not lost to any of us...) I can finally laugh again, not as before, but the sun is beginning to shine again. Thank you Jesus!

(Written 7/9/2012)

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this found your blog thrue other bloggers..blessings
