Monday, January 30, 2012

Milestone Birthdays

I am almost 1 week away from my 26th birthday. I know those that have passed this milestone will say, "It's no big deal, wait until you're facing 30!" Except, it's a big deal to me. I never imagined 26. Growing up we look forward to so many of our birthdays. 10 because you're now double digits! 13 because now you are a teenagers! 16 is Sweet Sixteen and 18 because you are finally a grown up! (So you think.) 21 because in the good 'ol US of A's you can drink yourself silly legally. And then somewhere between 21 and 30 you feel a little lost. You're growing wiser but you're still just in your twenties. 22 and 23 were plagued with hospitals, rest and recovery. 23 and 24 were full of wonderful discovery. I found God in some of the realest ways I could ever imagine. I grew so much in those 2 years. Meeting friends I can't imagine my life without and experiencing life with a joy I had never felt before. With 25 came big decisions. I felt it was time to get a plan, make a life. I watched my wonderfully bright, loving, and energetic roommate step closer and closer to a masters degree in something she was so incredibly passionate about and I wondered if I would ever find the same. I started to ask God to search my heart, for something to be passionate about. I don't really know why I've never been able to fully throw myself into anything? I'm sure if I psycho-analyzed myself for an hour or two I could come up with a good enough reason but lets just stick with it was never something I was good at. I love to help. Flittering from here to there. Helping where I can. Making the big picture come to life and moving onto the next thing. But is it possible, even for me, to have a passion without feeling like I'm stuck for forever? I guess we will see? In the mean time I am doing my best to follow wherever God leads on this path to discovering a passion. I will admit the idea of being 26 is scary. I'm as old as the crew on Friends were!! I remember thinking how grown up and cool they were. I so wanted to be them. To aid in this self discovery process I have given in and created my very own 30 before 30 list. (Woot!) Small problem...I can't come up with 30 things! (How's that for not committing?)

  1. Have a real savings account – with $5,000 in it.
  2. Run a 5K
  3. Live abroad for a season (get a passport first…)
  4. Throw an epic and lavish dinner party
  5. Own a pair of Jimmy Choo heels
  6. Learn to speak a foreign language
  7. Own my dream car without a loan
  8. Go on a wine tasting date in Napa
  9. Go on a cruise
  10. Ride a motorcycle down 101
  11. Get a tattoo from a famous artist
  12. Forgive my past
  13. Graduate from college
  14. Treat myself and a friend to a whole day at the spa
  15. Get involved in a non-profit
  16. Kiss a cute stranger for no reason
  17. Volunteer with sick kids in the hospital
  18. Have a valentine
  19. Get a hug from Brian Wilson (Giant’s relief pitcher!)
  20. Watch snow fall
  21. Live in a small flat in San Francisco
  22. Jump in a pool fully clothed
  23. Pay for a strangers groceries
  24. Spend New Years Eve in Time Square

So, I think I'm ready for 26. I hope 26 is ready for me! Here's to the start of my "late twenties" and living a life I could have never imagined.

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